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Heirloom explores the theme of brokenness and draws on my interest in the natural world. Each piece is comprised of broken pieces of sand dollars. These strange and delicate shells are seldom found whole. The shells have been painted in Japanese sumi ink and the broken edges gilded with gold as an echo of the Japanese craft of kintsugi where broken objects are mended with gold to begin again. Heirloom was exhibited in Southwark Cathedral in June 2018 as part of the artist residency Broken Beauty.
Heirloom explores the theme of brokenness and draws on my interest in the natural world. Each piece is comprised of broken pieces of sand dollars. These strange and delicate shells are seldom found whole. The shells have been painted in Japanese sumi ink and the broken edges gilded with gold as an echo of the Japanese craft of kintsugi where broken objects are mended with gold to begin again. Heirloom was exhibited in Southwark Cathedral in June 2018 as part of the artist residency Broken Beauty.
Detail of Heirloom, broken sand dollars, sumi ink and gold acrylic paint on scrim, Southwark Cathedral, 2018
Heirloom, Southwark Cathedral 2018
Heirloom, detail from Broken Beauty artist residency, Southwark Cathedral 2018